“Ring…..!!!” John woke up startled at the racket his alarm clock was making. “Oh, brother. I hate having to wake up so early in the morning on a WEEKEND!” complained John to himself.
This got John thinking of a Saturday morning which started in a similar manner. On that fateful morning, John and his family had made plans to go to the beach early. It was the first weekend after school closed for the year and John’s father wanted to reward him for the fantastic results he had achieved for the year end examinations.
Just as everyone was busy unpacking their bags at the picnic grounds, blah blah blah...
“Ring…..!!!” John woke up startled at the racket his alarm clock was making. “Oh, brother. I hate having to wake up so early in the morning on a WEEKEND!” complained John to himself.
This got John thinking of a Saturday morning which started in a similar manner...
John and his family had made plans to go to the beach early that fateful Saturday morning. It was the first weekend after school closed for the year and John’s father wanted to reward him for the fantastic results he had achieved for the year end examinations.
Just as everyone was busy unpacking their bags at the picnic grounds, blah blah blah...